On Wed, Sep 02, 2020 at 06:02:31PM +0100, Edd Barrett wrote:

Hello Edd,

> libappindicator:
>  - Running `make plist` changed the plist. Some of this looks like
>    churn, but I think it's picked up vala on my system. We should either
>    add vala as a dep, or disable vala. Probably the latter?

I've disabled vala with a patch.

>  - The configure script is checking for python2.7 and pygtk. Should pygtk be a
>    dependency of some kind?

AFAICS this isn't being built (and I have Python 2.7 and py-gtk on my
machine), so I don't think it matters. I might be wrong, however!

>  - Looks like PORTHOME isn't needed?

Good point.

> gromit-mpx:
>  - Does it need COMPILER?

I think you mean libindicator -- yes, it doesn't build without this.

>  - When running it says it can't grab F9. At first I thought that my
>    window manager or desktop had it bound, but it doesn't appear so.

There is a known problem with XFCE (which seems to grab all such keys even
if they're not used). Fortunately, you can manually bind keys in XFCE, and
the running instance of gromit-mpx can be controlled from the command line.

Updated tarballs attached.


Attachment: libappindicator.tgz
Description: application/tar-gz

Attachment: libindicator.tgz
Description: application/tar-gz

Attachment: gromit-mpx.tgz
Description: application/tar-gz

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