Hi ports@,

This is an update for www/ephemetoot to 2.6

Changelog only says:

    This release adds a --retry-mins option to set the number of minutes
    between retries when an error is encountered.

Taking a look at the diff between 2.5 and 2.6 there's not much more to
it, just some README changes.

Tested on amd64 against a couple of mastodon instances and everything
seems fine.

Tests for other epehmetoot users is welcome.

ok to commit ?

diff 7a67a87ecbaf8190ab065ff1d45d67c418d3c8e5 /usr/ports
blob - 72fe1a87b9cd47ddcb044228e2ff1f15e682868f
file + www/ephemetoot/Makefile
--- www/ephemetoot/Makefile
+++ www/ephemetoot/Makefile
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 COMMENT =              tool for deleting old Mastodon toots
 GH_ACCOUNT =           hughrun
 GH_PROJECT =           ephemetoot
blob - c2ef64d399e160afdd9473571ff8289e41cf4fbf
file + www/ephemetoot/distinfo
--- www/ephemetoot/distinfo
+++ www/ephemetoot/distinfo
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-SHA256 (ephemetoot-2.5.tar.gz) = p2ThSciXix6L/6SxwjIV2EW4hWjlYGpYDCai9ckFL9A=
-SIZE (ephemetoot-2.5.tar.gz) = 26858
+SHA256 (ephemetoot-2.6.tar.gz) = ggXkKn02pNaantfff23a6CPhXxmIex6JwIeE7PCqXFo=
+SIZE (ephemetoot-2.6.tar.gz) = 27462

Paco Esteban.

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