On Mon, Sep 14, 2020 at 06:09:24PM -0400, Kurt Mosiejczuk wrote:

Hello Kurt,

> This port has never compiled on sparc64. Almost certainly because it calls
> out an ancient version of the rust libc that has caused problems on sparc64
> in the past. (See history of www/newboat).
> I tried seeing if I could get it to use a newer version of libc, but after
> lots of fighting to get it to even consider a newer version, is still
> failed to build.

Ok with me. Out of interest, if you have time, does the version of xcolor in
git [1] work (I submitted a patch to update its Cargo.lock, which I suspect
fixes your problems)? We could potentially do a "non-release" update of the
port and/or ask upstream nicely to make a new release.


[1] https://github.com/Soft/xcolor

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