Wow.  Two great posts from Lurkin' Lance. (Right on re: Charlie Rich)
>From the other TwangCommie,

Lance T. Peterson wrote:

> Sorry, but the use of technology, which amounts to Microsoft's screwy
> attempt to leverage their operating system monopoly into the realm of
> audio delivery, led me to refrain from using the Twangcast site, which
> seemed a very great content idea.
> I do run Linux as my main platform and a Mac for some video editing, so of
> course this is a problem. Moreover I refuse to put any Microsoft product
> on either of these two boxes, even if they did work.
> The choice for me is ethical: I have an NT box (that is kind enough to
> crash for me from time to time) that can of course use Microsoft Media
> Player. But I won't. I can't believe it is cheaper to deploy than a
> Real Server on a free Unix platform, but if it is, it is only temporary as
> Microsoft sucks you in, kills compitition and then jacks the prices up,
> up, up.
> Country is the people's music: it is at its best an open and communitarian
> tradition (in spite of Roy Acuff). Microsoft is the antithesis of those
> values. They are closed, controlling and proprietary. This email forum
> would not exist if Microsoft had had its way early on, in its attempts to
> control internetorking early on. It exists because of open technology
> standards, which Microsoft fights, bends and distorts.
> My humble opinion,
> Lance

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