>We are not down on what you are doing. We love you. We just want to
>to use our Macs, and also enjoy TwangCast.
 know most of you support fully what I'm trying to accomplish but I detected
a bit more than a little tude from Lance so I wanted to make sure he
understood all the ramifications.  With Mac users representing 2.8% of all
PC's worldwide we do want to reach them but we'll not give up the Microsoft
Media Player for more reasons than I care to list, the least of which is
Real's limitations of which there are many. I appreciate all the support
from  the P2 community and we will be continuing our search for more info
for Mac users and will also post some Mac user group links on site so other
Mac users might be able  to shed light on the  situation.
NOW ONLINE,   http://www.TwangCast.com  TM  RealCountry netcast 24 X 7
Please Visit Then let us know what you think!

Mike Hays www.MikeHays.RealCountry.net
For the best country artist web hosting, www.RealCountry.net

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