On Wed, 10 Mar 1999, Bob Soron wrote:

> Note to Nicholas Petti: You were supposed to send Don the cough syrup,
> not the cod-liver oil. Now he's cranky, sick, and *sober*. Rush up the
> good stuff so we can get the old Don back, OK?

Jeez, I shoulda known better than to mention "phlegm" around you
smartasses.<g>  Anyway, after goin' home early and sleepin' all afternoon
and evening, the lungs have cleared up a bit (they no longer creak when I
breathe), so hopefully I'll be in tiptop shape by the time I hit Austin.
Then again, the KCMU pledge drive starts today, and I'll be incessantly
beggin' for dollars for the next few days, along with seein' Neko Case
tonight and the Damnations/Buckner on Saturday.  I sure hope this old body
makes it....--don

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