> You know, every time I write something like this and try to display just a
> bit of my vast, but wholly inaccurate music knowledge, Weisberger comes
> along with that big ole brain of his and proceeds to blow me
> completely out of the water. I hate him.
Hey, Jeff, I wasn't trying to contradict your excellent post, just
supplement it; neither was I trying to downplay White and Parsons'
accomplishment in creating the B-Bender, which is a nifty device (there's a
funny passage in the Country Guitar interview with the AOTD where he points
out that he developed his cool bend licks because he was trying to copy
White and didn't realize that Clarence was using the bender, just like Dale
Potter developed his amazing facility with double stops because he was
trying to copy Bob Wills and didn't realize he had multiple fiddles), just
pointing out a relevant antecedent.
> This is it. The last of my psuedo intellectual posts. I'm back to being a
> big goodlooking sexy smartass hillbilly.
Er, ah, better stick with the pseudo intellectual posts.
Jon Weisberger Kenton County, KY [EMAIL PROTECTED]