> Best Of, Golden Hits, etc. are widely available and cheap, and, IMO,
> the
> "duh" starting point for Miller as a performer - after all, these
> songs
> ("King Of The Road," "Dang Me," "Do Wacka Do," "You Can't Rollerskate
> In A
> Buffalo Herd," "England Swings," etc.) are some of the most
> monstrously
> successful ever made.  Plus which, they're really good.  I like the
> Country
> Tunesmith collection pretty well, too, but it's definitely an "after"
> buy,
> as is anything else.
        [Matt Benz]  Well, sure, I didn't mean to mislead someone by
suggesting a more in depth collection than "Golden Hits," or any of
those cheapo shoody looking collections, but knowing how folks around
here like to dive in head first, suggesting a more comprehensive
collection didn't seem to be any less of a "duh" starting point. If
someone wants to stay in the shallow but hit-filled send of the Roger
Miller pool, then I guess I suggest finding a used vinyl copy of Golden
Hits, which might run ya .25.


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