> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 1999 9:30 AM
> Anyhow, have any of you listened to the "hidden track" studio stuff on
> those Byrds re-releases.  I was just thinking of Crosby the other
> night
> after listening (and laughing a lot) at the studio fight that's a
> hidden
> track at the end of "Notorious Byrd Brothers."  Mainly Crosby dogging
> Michael Clarke about a drum part, but it just goes on and on and
> on....
> The producer, Usher, tries to intervene and get them back on track,
> but
> nooooooo, etc.
        [Matt Benz]  

        I haven't got that one yet (tho I've heard about that studio
fight: I believe it is included on those "celebrity losing it" tapes
that make the rounds), but the one at the end of "5D" is painful:
McGuinn and the Walrus talking about the *new* album. Yaaaawwwwn. I
don't know how long it is, something like 11 minutes. I don't know who
would listen to it, even among diehard fans...

> --junior

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