The People's Palace and the Religious World, by A Layman                 62205
  [Subtitle: thoughts on public agitation against the promised charter to
             the new Crystal Palace Company, and on "Sabbath desecration"]
  [Link: ]
  [Files: 62205-0.txt; 62205-h.htm ]

For those wishing to know: this pamphlet (published around 1853 by a member of the Church of England) looks at the public outcry about the possible Sunday afternoon opening of the Crystal Palace for the working classes. The writer points out there are already many things open on Sunday (e.g. public pleasure grounds, inns, Sunday trains etc.) and that opening only in the afternoons was a concession that wasn't required of the Company. Whilst written around 170 years ago, it takes a modern outlook on the matter.

All the best,
Sunny and windy England

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