[An on-line version of this announcement will be available at http://www.postfix.org/announcements/postfix-3.1.0.html]
Postfix stable release 3.1.0 is available. This release ends support for legacy release Postfix 2.9. The main changes in no particular order are: * "postfix tls" command to simplify setup of opportunistic TLS, and to simplify SMTP server key/certificate management. * Positive and negative DNS reply TTL support in postscreen(8). * SASL AUTH rate limit in the Postfix SMTP server. * A safety limit on the number of address verify requests. * JSON-format Postfix queue listing. * Destination-independent delivery rate delay For details, see the RELEASE_NOTES file. You can find the updated Postfix source code at the mirrors listed at http://www.postfix.org/.