On Fri, December 23, 2005 11:37 am, Hudan Ramadhona wrote:
>     *ERROR:* Required PHP PEAR DB support is not available. Is PEAR
> installed and is the include path set correctly to find DB.php? The
> include path is now: ".:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear".
> dimana saya harus meletakkan DB.php dan PEAR.php? saya bingung dengan
> maksud eror diatas.
> Thk

kalo gak salah ini sudah dijawab deh...

tapi coba (sebagai root):
# whereis pear

hasilnya (ditempat saya):
pear: /usr/bin/pear /etc/pear.conf

kalo ada jalanin:
pear install DB

semoga membantu...


You see, passion has a funny way
Of burning down and running low
And suddenly it goes out
And you wonder where does it go...
("Hard Woman", Mick Jagger)

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