On Thu, Feb 05, 2009 at 01:52:47PM +0800, Marky Yehezkiel (SNC) wrote:
> Coba tambah RBL :
>           reject_rbl_client zen.spamhaus.org
>           reject_rbl_client pbl.spamhaus.org
>           reject_rbl_client xbl.spamhaus.org   
'pbl' dan 'xbl' tdk diperlukan lagi, cukup satu saja 'zen'.
kutipannya.. http://www.spamhaus.org/zen/index.lasso


ZEN is the combination of all Spamhaus DNSBLs into one single powerful and
comprehensive blocklist to make querying faster and simpler. It contains the 
the XBL and the PBL blocklist.
zen.spamhaus.org should now be the only spamhaus.org DNSBL in your 
You should not use ZEN together with other Spamhaus blocklists, or with 
already included in our zones (such as the CBL) or you will simply be wasting 
queries and slowing your mail queue."

semoga bisa membantu..


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