Uwe Dippel wrote:

> Aside of hacks, I *think* that it might make sense to have a non-hacked
> solution. As system administrators, we, at least I, send quite a number
> of items with mail (cronjobs).
> Therefore, IMHVHO, a tool distributed with *nix or *fix (wrapping around
> mail) might be useful?
> Uwe

man mutt nail

       mutt - The Mutt Mail User Agent

       mutt [-nRyzZ] [-e cmd] [-F file] [-m type] [-f file]

       mutt  [-nx]  [-e  cmd]  [-a  file] [-F file] [-H file] [-i
       file] [-s subj] [-b addr] [-c addr] addr [...]

       mutt [-n] [-e cmd] [-F file] -p

       mutt -v[v]

       Mutt is a small but very powerful text based  program  for
       reading  electronic  mail  under  unix  operating systems,
       including support color terminals, MIME,  and  a  threaded
       sorting mode.

       -a file
              Attach a file to your message using MIME.



nail - send and receive Internet mail

nail [-BDdFintv~] [-s subject] [-a attachment ] [-c cc-addr] [-b
bcc-addr] [-r from-addr] [-h hops] [-A account] [-S variable[=value]]
to-addr . . .

nail [-BDdeHiInNRv~] [-T name] [-A account] [-S variable[=value]] -f [name]
nail [-BDdeinNRv~] [-A account] [-S variable[=value]] [-u user]


Nail is an intelligent mail processing system, which has a command
syntax reminiscent of ed(1) with lines replaced by messages. It is based
on Berkeley Mail 8.1, is intended to provide the functionality of the
POSIX nail command, and offers extensions for MIME, IMAP, POP3, SMTP,
and S/MIME. Nail provides enhanced features for interactive use, such as
caching and disconnected operation for IMAP, message threading, scoring,
and filtering. It is also usable as a mail batch language, both for
sending and receiving mail.

The following options are accepted:

-A name
    Executes an account command (see below) for name after the startup
files have been read.

-a file
    Attach the given file to the message.

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