On Wed, Feb 04, 2009 at 10:25:21AM +0200, Marc Silver wrote:

> The tool is available at http://draenor.org/public/python/pqgrep.py
> Should you find any bugs/problems, please mail me.

The regexp parser is IMHO too fuzzy for production use outside your
own environment. It will generated false positives with sufficiently
interesting remote error messages, sender or recipient addresses in the
"postqueue -p" output. You need a more context aware parser.

> Some examples:
>  o List the message ID's for messages with a sender off x...@moo.com:
>    pqgrep.py -s x...@moo.com -i

Note, it is best to not call a "queue-id" a "message ID".

>  o Show messages with a recipient of a...@b.c and provide log messages:
>    pqgrep.py -r a...@b.c -l
>  o Delete all messages from MAILER-DAEMON:
>    for i in `pqgrep.py -s MAILER-DAEMON` ; do postsuper -d $i ; done

This is subject to race conditions. To safely delete messages, they have
to moved (postsuper -h) out of the "active" queue, re-scanned to ensure
they still meet the original criteria, selectively deleted, and the FPs
moved back into the deferred queue (via postsuper -H), you can then
flush FPs back into the incoming queue via "postqueue -i".

[ Wietse is it safe to move queue files active -> hold -> incoming in
  a short time? Could some recipients be delivered twice by two delivery
  agents in parallel (both deliveries starting after the second incoming
  to active transition)? ]


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