On Mon, Feb 09, 2009 at 02:44:09PM +0000, Jo?o Miguel Neves wrote:

> Good morning,
> I'm using spamassassin thru amavisd. I also have a bunch of spamtraps
> (addresses that were never used by persons, but that receive spam
> regularly) feeding automatically its bayes filter. Sometimes I get some
> spam that goes to regular addresses and to the spamtraps around the same
> time. Is there a way or, what is the correct way of delaying some addresses?

Don't "delay", if your "spamtrap" addresses are well chosen, have
never existed as valid email addresses, and are unlikely to be mistyped
accidentally by a human sender, you can just "REDIRECT" all mail for
a spamtrap address to that same spamtrap address, this drops all the
other recipients.


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