On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 12:55:31AM -0500, post...@corwyn.net wrote:

> At 11:04 PM 2/10/2009, post...@corwyn.net wrote:
>> At 05:24 PM 2/10/2009, mouss wrote:
>> While I can readily create a user  b...@example.com, who has a default 
>> maildir location for that sql of 'example.com/bob/'  I can't quite figure 
>> out how to change the SQL to get the folder for bob+t...@example.com to 
>> return:
>> 'example.com/bob/Maildir/.test' without breaking everything else?
> To answer my own question (more correctly)
> CONCAT(maildir,'Maildir/',if(INSTR(username,'+'),'.',''),if(INSTR(username,'+'),MID(username,INSTR(username,'+')+1,INSTR(username,'@')-INSTR(username,'+')-1),''))
> FROM mailbox

This is a bad idea. You are allowing external parties to construct
mailbox filenames on your system. Potential for various directory pathname
injection attacks:


You must specifically designate which folders are addressible in this way,
or at least limit the character-set of acceptable extensions.


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