Yu (Irvin) Fan:
> Hi Wietse,
> Thanks for the quick answer. Can I say that the postfix performance is
> affected by small file read/write speed of the disk?

Many email messages small. Therefore performance is dominated by
rotational and seek latencies (absent a large persistent buffer
between the kernel and the disk drive).

> Anyway, I have another related question. We have an after-queue content
> filter written in Perl. The email is fed to the filter using pipe as
> suggested in the following example in the documentation.
>   smtp      inet  ...other stuff here, do not change...   smtpd
>         -o content_filter
> <http://www.postfix.org/postconf.5.html#content_filter>=filter:dummy
>   filter    unix  -       n       n       -       10      pipe
>     flags=Rq user=filter argv=/path/to/script -f ${sender} -- ${recipient}
> We notice that if the disk activities (by other processes in the box) went
> up there would be less # of filter scripts running. But at the same time the
> smtpd queuing doesn't seem to be affected that much.

The smtpd processes load the disk. Therefore, less I/O can be done
by the queue manager. Postfix has a limited safety mechanism that
works only when the mail load comes from a small number of clients.

To reduce disk load, receive less mail. That is, provide less
bandwidth to receive mail, or fewer smtpd processes.

> So we end up with
> backlog building in incoming queue. I want to understand does this happen
> naturally because spawning filter would require more system resource
> (loading, compiling, etc. even our filter is lightweight) so if the disk is
> slow it would be affected the most?

You would not have asked this question if you had looked at the CPU
load of your machine.

> or is there some kind of throttling
> control built in postfix (can't find anything about it in documentation
> though) by which the postfix qmgr would spawn less filters on purpose in
> order to make sure smtpd have enough resource to handle incoming emails
> cause we don't want to reject emails? If postfix does have throttling
> control what are the deciding factors it's looking at?

The queue manager works as fast as it can.

> btw, If I turn the filter into a daemon and feed the content through smtp
> would that help a lot?

It would use less CPU than creating a new process for every message,
but it matters only when the disk is fast enough. Which it is not
in the present case.


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