Charles Marcus a écrit :
> On 3/7/2009 1:45 PM, LuKreme wrote:
>>> Yes, I was planning on allowing any extension to be used/made up on
>>> the fly... thje purpose for using the extension will be for signing
>>> up for different sites/lists/things, so I can use the same address,
>>> but be able to distinguish mail that comes to me via that
>>> service...
>> Yep, that's what I do, and I've yet to hear a valid security concern
>> other than "user could create a lot of folders in their Maildir.
> <snip>
>> It is pretty easy to set up a procmail transport to be used by postfix:
>> procmail  unix  -       n       n       -       -       pipe
>>   -o flags=uhFORD user=vpopmail argv=/usr/local/bin/procmail -t -m
>> USER=${recipient} EXTENSION=${extension} /usr/local/etc/procmailrc.common
> Ok, I'm intrigued... if it is this simple, maybe I'll go ahead and do
> it, but...
> As I said in an earlier mail, I do NOT want the folder auto-created - if
> it doesn't exist, I want the message deliver to fall back to the Inbox...
> Is there a way to tweak the above to accomplish this?

maildrop won't create folders (except if you explicitly run the command
to do so), so you can use it. and its syntax is less horrible than

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