> Date: Fri, 13 Mar 2009 00:37:08 +0100
> From: mo...@ml.netoyen.net
> To: postfix-users@postfix.org
> Subject: Re: Rerouting bounce messages
> George Forman a écrit :
>> All,
>> If I am a secondary server hosting part of a domain.
>> I must route all bounce messages back to the primary service
>> for delivery.
>> Does Postfix have this capability?
> this is unclear. which bounce messages? please clarify (explict
> examples). also explain what you mean by "secondary server". there is no
> such thing as a "secondary server" in smtp.

The DNS record is hosted by primary A. Primary A determines if the account is 
to be sent to secondary B (a Postfix MTA). When secondary B, tries to deliver 
the mail via lmtp and lmtp rejects depositing the mail message,a bounce message 
is generated. This bounce message must be sent backto the primary A server. 
Primary A service must deliver the bouncemail message. It cannot appear to come 
from the secondary B service.
If I use relayhost to forward all mail not hosted on secondary B, it becomesan 
open relay. This behavior works for forwarding the bounce messages but doesn't 
allow secondary B to reject unknown addresses.
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