> email builder a écrit :
> >[snip]
> >> I do not support configurations with multiple myhostname/mydomain
> >> settings (or multiple settings for any domain-like parameter that
> >> determines how Postfix handles email).
> > 
> > That's certainly fair.  I can accept that I am stepping outside the use 
> > model 
> with this and that maybe the sure bet would be to run multiple instances.  I 
> will, however, endeavor to test my idea and report back for others' 
> edification 
> if it works or not.
> > 
> you can use multiple postfix instances (run postfix multiple times, with
> different config_directory, queue_directory, data_directory...).

I know, but my thinking was that it's overkill because all I need is to serve a 
different TLS cert for each IP address, but no other changes are needed.

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