I setup a Postfix based plateform whith DSN enabled to support "success" NOTIFY 
as described below :

 1) Mails are forwarded to Cyrus through LMTP ("delivered" action is fixed 
since thread "LMTP delivery and DSN action value for "success"")
 2) mailboxes on Cyrus are internal addresses, virtual alias makes mapping 
between external address and internal address
 3) antispam and antivirus processing is done by pipe based content filter

I have a first issue when mapping address with virtual alias, address is 
notified "expanded" even if 1 to 1 mapping.
I found the following thread : " Re: DSN chain broken by virtual alias map"

>> I know the current behaviour is acceptable by rfc3461, and I know that
>> specifying multiple addresses in virtual map is possible and would call for
>> current handling. Still, it would be nice to pass NOTIFY=SUCCESS to
>> the next MTA if virtual alias maps is used purely for 1-to-1 recipient
>> address transformations.

> You will find the same behavior with local(8) aliasing, and
> dot-forward files, again in conformance with the RFC it will
> propagate all DSN options except for the NOTIFY SUCCESS option.

> If someone wants one-to-one expansions to be treated special then
> they will have to write code for virtual alias, local alias, and
> dot-forward files. It is either all three or nothing. I will not
> accept inconsistenct behavior.

I am voluntary to write such code for local alias and dot-forward files too if 
always OK

I have a second issue with pipe process that don't manage DSN options. I 
started a patch to manage such options.

I propose to open 2 threads in postfix-devel mailing list for these two patches 
if everybody is OK


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