Hi guys.

How do you do your local domain local root mail collection?
Having a numer of boxes, say:

I'm thinking having each box's root I'd forward to _allmail@my.private_ - probably it's how many, if not everybody, do it. Here, my 'allmail' is a user which exists, via Dovecoto auth, on all boxes.
What I struggle to wrap my head around, how, since I have:
mydestination = $myhostname, localhost.$mydomain, localhost, $mydomain
is, how to have Postfix mail to that one MX for this local 'my.private' domain. Right now, if I'm not mistaken, each box will be it's own destination and will deliver on-the-box locally.
If I try
mydestination = $myhostname, localhost.$mydomain, localhost
the Postfix errors out with:
loops back to myself
Is the only way to forward to an "external/virtual" domain?

Perhaps conceptually my approach is wrong - how do you collect same domain all boxes' local root mail?
ps. with Dovecot for transport & auth

many thanks, L.
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