> > How do I forward submitted mails under the identity of an email alias
> > to all other members of that alias? Is that even possible with Postfix
> > only?
> Yes, with sender_bcc_maps, and with the proviso that the BCC will be to
> all the members of that "alias", rather than just "the other members".

Not optimal, because it might confuse some users to receive their own mail in 
return, but OK.

> Bcc the alias to itself.  While you can't specify multiple addresses
> *directly*, the specified address *is* subject to alias expansion.

Good to know.

I thought that I read somwhere in the Postfix docs that the specified addess 
*is not* subject to alias expansion in order to avoid circular redirections.

Maybe I am remembering incorrectly or the docs are outdated.

Do you know why it is not possible to specify multiple addresses and how 
difficult it would be to fix that in Postfix?

If it was possible to specify multiple addresses, I could write an LDAP filter 
which would expand the alias to all addresses excluding the SASL auth name and 
that would solve the problem.

>         sender_bcc_maps = inline:{
>             { doe@bcc.example = doe@bcc.example }
>             }
> Replace the inline tables with equivalent tables of your choice,
> holding all the desired aliases and bcc mappings.

Yes, now that I have learned that addresses of sender_bcc_maps are subject to 
alias expansion I will do that.
Thanks a lot.

Am Sonntag, 11. Februar 2024, 16:33:33 CET schrieb Viktor Dukhovni via 
> On Sun, Feb 11, 2024 at 10:59:37AM +0100, Matthias Nagel via Postfix-users 
> wrote:
> > How do I forward submitted mails under the identity of an email alias
> > to all other members of that alias? Is that even possible with Postfix
> > only?
> Yes, with sender_bcc_maps, and with the proviso that the BCC will be to
> all the members of that "alias", rather than just "the other members".
> > I found the configuration parameter sender_bcc_maps. At first glance,
> > that looked promising, however it neither supports mail aliases nor
> > more than one address.
> Bcc the alias to itself.  While you can't specify multiple addresses
> *directly*, the specified address *is* subject to alias expansion.
> > Just for the sake of clarity, I give a simplified example with only
> > two mail accounts to illustrate what I want to achieve. Lets assume
> > there are the virtual mail accounts `jane....@my-domain.tld` and
> > `john....@my-domain.tld` as well as the alias `d...@my-domain.tld`
> > which resolves to both mail accounts:
>     main.cf:
>         virtual_alias_maps = inline:{
>             { doe@bcc.example = john.doe@bcc.example, jane.doe@bcc.example }
>             }
>         sender_bcc_maps = inline:{
>             { doe@bcc.example = doe@bcc.example }
>             }
> Replace the inline tables with equivalent tables of your choice,
> holding all the desired aliases and bcc mappings.

Matthias Nagel
Dachtlerstr. 2, 40499 Stuttgart, Deutschland
Festnetz: +49-711-25295180, Mobil: +49-151-15998774
E-Mail: matthias.na...@mhnnet.de, Threema: 86VM8KN7

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