On Monday, March 18, 2024, Benny Pedersen via Postfix-users <
postfix-users@postfix.org> wrote:

> Glenn Tenney via Postfix-users skrev den 2024-03-18 03:52:
> My question in one, hopefully simple sentence, is:
>> In Postfix, how do I configure Postfix such that all email to
>> "user@some.domain" will return an error code (e.g. 550 user unknown)
>> to bounce that email????
> Victor gave a vierd config :)
> postfix must not return any result on non existsing users, so if this
> gives no result user is unknown, with in turn gives postfix user not found,
> to keep things very simple mydestination must only have unix users where @
> is not auth without realm-domain, when this is in place you  can in
> virtual_alias_maps map remote mail recipient to system users mailbox, of
> not all is virtual_domained

Thanks. I’m hosting several domains: a couple need to accept any user@
except some that specifically need to be rejected delivering locally; some
domains are more normal, just accept specific users & deliver to some local
user (sometimes using procmail to forward some or save some to files); and
a few domains that will deliver to some-other domain (kinda relay). So only
the first of these need to return a result (reject) specific users.

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