
thanks for your reply’s. My solution was as easy as adding the line “/^([<]+[>])$/ OK" to my access map.
Changing smtpd_null_access_lookup_key didn’t seem to have any effect.

Why my setup looks like this? mail-server1 servs a couple of other mail domains, not only the one destined for the mailing lists. An access list here would affect all domains, right? Also, by moving the access part to the satellite server, it keeps the config on mail-server1 straight.

True as well that mailman can restrict senders to list members only but I have a couple of open lists that should be addressable by all participating domains/company’s, no one else.


Anything that is unrelated to elephants is irrelephant.

Am 25.3.2024 18:05, schrieb Jaroslaw Rafa via Postfix-users:
Dnia 25.03.2024 o godz. 16:11:47 Daniel Marquez-Klaka via Postfix-users pisze:
2 postfix mail server, one, mail-server1, is connected to the
internet, the second,
calling it list-server1, which serves a few mailing lists, is only
reachable thru

On mail-server1 a transport map entry sends everything for
@list-dom.de to list-server1,
list-server1 does his work and sends all back to mail-server1 which
then delivers to
the final destination.

On list-server1, to prevent the whole world sending mails, I have
installed a
check_sender_access map to accept a few allowed domains, reject
everything else.

I don't understand what is actually your scenario and what exactly are you
trying to prevent.

From what you write, I assume that only mail-server1 is open to receive mail
from the Internet, and it forwards only messages that should reach
list-server1 to that server. I assume list-server1 does not accept mails
directly from the Internet, so there is no possibility of "whole world
sending mails" to it. (If it isn't the case, then just block list-server1
from receiving mails from anywhere except mail-server1 using

Maybe you want the people who are not subscribed to the mailing lists on list-server1 to not be able to send mail to those lists? But you can do this directly on mailing list level, every mailing list software has controls that allow to specify who is able to send to the list (usually the choice is everyone/subscribers only/moderators only, sometimes additionally you can
block or allow particular senders).

So please describe more clearly, what do you actually want to do.
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