v k via Postfix-users:
> When delivering mail, Postfix generates LDAP queries with query_filter
> mail=@domain, which are unnecessary in my environment. This becomes
> critical when sending to a mailing list group with many participants,
> as each member address generates an additional query, consuming
> extra time.

In the Postfix LDAP configuration file, specify the "domain" parameter.

       domain (default: no domain list)
              This  is a list of domain names, paths to files, or "type:table"
              databases. When specified, only fully qualified search keys with
              a  *non-empty*  localpart and a matching domain are eligible for
              lookup:  'user'  lookups,  bare  domain  lookups  and  "@domain"
              lookups  are  not  performed.  This can significantly reduce the
              query load on the LDAP server.

There is partial support to control the lookups of virtual_alias_maps.
Internal support exists, but it is not yet configurable.

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