Thanks very much for the detailed response. My original issue was why dkim 
signatures were failing on some emails from email lists when arriving at my 
Postfix based domain (postfix-3.4.10-1.fc30.x86_64 - I know it needs updating: 
and that may be the only reasonable answer). I have only seen this sort of 
issue from two sources. So I tried subscribing to one of them with a gmail 
address and found the folded header difference, which, if the lines were merged 
meant that dkim signature verification worked (using dkimpy).  (tbh, I thought 
I’d done very well at this point as I’d spotted what had gone wrong for DKIM).

That’s why I formed a hypothesis that (my) Postfix had changed this long header 
- as you note this is < 998 stmp limit. I presume it’s not directly involved 
now, as smtp_line_length_limit is the default (998)

So, I tried creating an email using python and sending that to an account in my 
domain - that had the same <cr><lf><space> inserted after the ‘,’ in the 
‘List-Unsubscribe’ header. But if I use the python to send to an account in 
gmail, the behaviour is different from the externally sourced email as the 
'List-Unsubscribe’, when observed with the gmail client in a browser does have 
an extra <space>, but no <cr><lf>.

I clearly need to do several more experiments to work out what is going on.  
It’s non-trivial when you control so little of the whole chain.


> On 29 Apr 2024, at 17:48, Wietse Venema via Postfix-users 
> <> wrote:
> Tim Coote via Postfix-users:
>> Hullo
>> I've recently stumbled across this issue and wondered if it's a/
>> common, b/ how it can be addressed.
>> SMTP headers are often 'folded' as they flow through MTAs. The
>> standard approach to folding and unfolding is covered in rfcs 5322
>> and is relied on in 6377 (DKIM). Message signing (DKIM) is
>> increasingly used to avoid spam/phishing and relies on consistent
>> header formats when the signature is generated and validated.
>> It is known that of the two folding mechanisms, one, called
>> 'simpled', just assumes that the messages are not changed in any
>> way, which is not, in general, practical.
> You appear to be confusing:
> 1) Header folding, which involves folding whitespace as described
>   in RFC 5322.
>   When Postfix is allowed to rewrite ADDRESS headers
>   (controlled with local_header_rewrite_clients) then it may re-fold
>   address headers but NOT OTHER headers (such as List-Unsubscribe).
> 2) DKIM header or body canonicalization, either simple or relaxed,
>   which is a way to process message content before computing or
>   verifying its DKIM signature as described in RFC 6376.
> 3) Lines that exceed 998 bytes (not including <CR><LF>) cannot be
>   sent in SMTP. The result of sending such text is UNDEFINED.
>    But this is unlikely the cause of a problem with a List-Unsubscribe
>    header that you show in a later email message. That header was
>    only 756 bytes before it was broken up.
>    When a line is too long, the Postfix SMTP client inserts
>    <CR><LF><SPACE> (controlled by smtp_line_length_limit).  
>    Before Postfix inserted <CR><LF><SPACE>, some MTA would insert
>    a line break after ~1024 without adding a space. This would
>    "terminate" the message header, destroy the MIME structure, and
>    users would see message attachments as raw base64 content that
>    had become part of the main message body.
> For DKIM signatures to work across multiple email systems, a message
> has to be already in RFC compliant form before it is signed, and
> has to remain RFC compliant after signing. Messages that rely on
> UNDEFINED behavior may have DKIM signature failures.
>> Unfortunately, the other folding mechanism (relaxed) is based on
>> replacing <whitespace> with <CRLF><whitespace> (thus turning one
>> line into two), and unfolding consists of deleting <CRLF> where
>> it is preceded by <whitespace>. The approach is unfortunate as
>> some headers don't have any <whitespace>, so the unfolded header
>> is different from the original (signed) version. So if one of these
>> headers is included in the signature it will fail.
>> AFAICT, Postfix folds headers and, if there is not whitespaces
>> typically puts <CRLF><space> after a comma in the data structure
>> of the header, thus breaking DKIM on unfolding (as there is an
>> extra <space> character not in the original header used to construct
>> the signature.
> As mentioned above, Postfix may re-fold ADDRESS headers (see point
> 1 above) but not other headers (such as List-Unsubscribe). Additionally,
> Postfix will 'break' long lines that cannot be sent within the SMTP
> specification with <line-break><space> (see point 3 above).
>> This raises a few questions:
>> - is my analysis correct: postfix header folding can break DKIM as described
> See points 1), 2) and 3) above.
>> - is the problem common (not very, but it's often silent, so it
>> could just be that it's not being found as it's not being looked
>> for)
> As mentioned before, DKIM is defined only for messages that are
> fully RFC compliant before and after the mesage is signed. A message
> that relies on UNDEFINED behavior may have its signatures broken
> by any MTA that handles that message.
>> - is there a pragmatic fix in Postfix configuration (e.g. to
>> increase ths maximum size of a header line?)
> See 3) above. If Postfix does not break too-long lines, then you
> are depending on UNDEFINED behavior and other remote MTAs may still
> break the signature. You just won't be able to verify that so easily
> like you did with gmail. But, Postfix isn't changing the List-Unsubscribe
> header in your later example.
> To change the SMTP specification, you'd have to convince the IETF
> community for SMTP to allow arbitrary line lengths.
>> - is it legitimate to fold without <whitespace> according to rfc 5322
> Did you mean fold a line with <line-break> instead of <line-break>
> <white-space>?  Postfix does not do that. Other MTAs might depending
> on how long the line is. See 3) above.
>> - if there's an issue of incompatibility between folding/unfolding
>> of headers, how will this be addressed in the longer term
> Did you mean 1) folding, 2) canonicalization, or 3) breaking long
> lines that violate the SMTP specification with <line-break><space>?
> The longer term fix is to send messages that meet RFC recommendations
> (lines SHOULD be <=78) and requirements (lines MUST be <= 998)
> before and after they are signed. A proper base64 decoder will
> ignore line breaks and whitespace, so there should be no need to
> send jumbo header or body lines at all.
> In later email I see that you have a long List-Unsubscribe header,
> but its total length is well under the Postfix smtp_line_length_limit,
> so if it is folded after 'simple' DKIM signature generation, then
> it wasn't done by Postfix.
> List-Unsubscribe: 
> <
> ...more...
> 8Mm7C2YB%2BBnyJwmHc0h5It%2FqZWoq%2BtCrJAsj1H2QUy71o%3D&1=1>,
> <mailto:4_pao95zpiovuhqqz6207bba02rle66w6hglw8hnndffz5zt16k27b93@unsubscribe-02
> ...more...
> q0xlfviyos65msrngz1rg78iv8xmc6wgekztesn6wrr-DO_NOT_DELETE>
> Those two fragments are 459 and 297 bytes, respectively. After
> deliting the line break and one space, the result is 756 bytes
> which is well under the Postfix smtp_line_length_limit.
>       Wietse
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