On Sat, May 11, 2024 at 11:11:30AM +0200, Benny Pedersen via Postfix-users 

> > I am running Postfix/Dovecot/MySQL mail server.   It was doing ok
> > until I tried to improve it., I
> maybe just reboot ? :)

Unlikely to help.  Just restarting dovecot would be about the most
that's needed, but more likely, configuring dovecot correctly, and
then a "systemctl reload dovecot".  There's nothing to suggest the
kernel needs a restart.

> > I am pretty sure I did something wromnhg with TLS/SSL.   Ai was
> > working in certificates,   I have been at the so long my eye are
> > crossed
> in most cases postfix have sanitises settings pr default, so when you add
> unsanitises settings in main.cf you asking for knowledge why its changed

This makes no sense.

> > smtpd_sasl_auth_enable = yes
> remove this in main.cf


> > Any ideas or pointers or random thoughts would be appreciated
> world is not random

But one does sometimes run into random advice...

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