Viktor Dukhovni via Postfix-users:
> On Fri, May 10, 2024 at 01:13:06PM -0400, Wietse Venema via Postfix-users 
> wrote:
> > > Logs:
> > > grep relay=nlp[123456].*status=sent /var/log/maillog | sed
> > > 's/.*relay=//' | sed 's/,.*//' | sort | uniq -c
> This fails to deduplicate multi-recipient deliveries, which record
> the same relay= for each message recipient.  It also does not
> distinguish between original connections and connection reuse.
> > >   5770 [23][]:25
> > >   5694 [24][]:25
> > >   5402 [25][]:25
> > >  21531 [26][]:25
> > >   5570 [27][]:25
> > >   5694 [28][]:25
> The OP's original post included:
>     smtp_connection_cache_on_demand = yes
> A subsequent post did not.  With the configuration in flux, the
> measurements are likely to present an inconsistent view.
> Note also, that with connection connection caching, the *fastest*
> (lowest-latency) server will handle more of the traffic, because its
> connection is returned to the "connection pool" more frequently.  This
> is a *feature*, you want to avoid slow servers so that slow servers
> don't impact throughput.  Otherwise, the slow servers can become
> connection *attractors* tying up all available connection slots.
> Clearly round-robit is happening, and the observed fairness anomaly
> is almost certainly not due to lack of randomisation, but rather
> a result of measurement methodology and/or connection caching.

I agree that connection reuse can be a plausible explanation.

As Viktor mentions, the default Postfix connection reuse limits will
favor the faster relay server. That is a feature, not a bug.
These are the defaults:

    smtp_connection_reuse_count_limit = 0
    smtp_connection_reuse_time_limit = 300s

You can verify this "connection reuse" behavior, by looking at the
"conn_use=" attribute in Postfix logging. With the default connection
reuse limits,

- The range for "conn_use=" counts for the other relays will be
  smaller than nlp3 (the other relays will have less reuse).

- The range for "delay=" values for the other relays will be similar
  to nlp3.

It is possible to defeat Postfix's preference for the fastest relay,
by relying on a reuse count limit instead of a reuse time lmit. But
if you do that, the slower relay servers will attract more traffic,
which no-one wants to happen. For details of how that works, see

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