On Fri May 8 2009 10:20:22 Rocco Scappatura wrote:
> I get:
> warning: connect #3 to subsystem private/hash: No such file or
> directory

And which process gives you this warning? You snipped out significant 
portions of the log, so definitive help is not possible.

> In main.cf I set:
> virtual_alias_domains = domain.tld
> virtual_alias_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/virtual

And you're showing a main.cf snippet rather than postconf(1) output.

> What is the problem? How I have to do to solve the warning in log
> messages?

Haven't you been through the drill before? This is not an adequate 
posting as per DEBUG_README.html#mail.

I can guess, maybe you have a transport(5) setting. It may or may not 
have any relation to the virtual_alias_maps setting. Probably not, is 
my guess.
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