On Sat May 9 2009 16:31:43 Just E. Mail wrote:
> This question is about installing Postfix with PostgreSQL. I am
> posting on this Forum hoping that somebody has done it and help me
> out.
> CentOS 5.3, PostgreSQL-8.3.7, Postfix-2.5.6

CentOS probably has PostgreSQL in their RPM repository. If so, I would 
recommend that you install that via RPM, and get a SRPM for Postfix. 
Simon Mudd has Postfix SRPMs whereby you can simply set your choices in 
the spec file and rpmbuild(1) it.

I only ever did one RHEL machine, and it was long ago, but that is how  
I did it.

> I have setup a PostgreSQL Server and PostgreSQL Client under DEFAULT
> folders. I can connect PostgreSQL Server from PostgreSQL Client.
> Now I am trying to install Postfix on the pgsql Client machine.
> Postfix has the following command to 'Building Postfix with
> PostgreSQL support':
> % make -f Makefile.init makefiles \
>        'CCARGS=-DHAS_PGSQL -I/usr/local/include/pgsql' \
>        'AUXLIBS=-L/usr/local/lib -lpq'
> Since I have pg Server & Client machines, I have no idea where is
> '-I/usr/local/include/pgsql' & '-L/usr/local/lib -lpq'. Can somebody
> help.

The "local/" path element will not be correct for most (if not all) 
distributor-provided packages of PostgreSQL. You might, however, need 
to have "*-devel" packages installed. See your CentOS / RHEL 
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