On Mon May 11 2009 11:33:37 Eric Cunningham wrote:
> I guess I'm still missing something so here's my 'postfix -n' output
> and logfile showing the rejection.

> >>> for postfix to accept mail for a domain (from anywhere), the
> >>> domain needs to be found in one (and only one of):
> >>> - mydestination  (this is for mail delivered to a unix account)
> >>> - relay_domains  (this is for mail passed to another MTA)
> >>> - virtual_mailbox_domains  (this is for mail delivered to a
> >>> "virtual" user)
> >>> - virtual_alias_domains (this is for mail rewritten to another
> >>> address in another domain)
> >
> > as you can see, there is no *_recipient_maps here. if you get
> > "relay access denied", then the domain is not listed in one of the
> > above mentioned classes.
> >
> > if this sin't clear, please show rejection logs (unaltered,
> > unedited) as well as output of 'postconf -n' (because it probably
> > changed since your last post).

> mydestination = $myhostname, obtest.$mydomain, outbox.$mydomain,     
>   mail.$mydomain, localhost.$mydomain, localhost.localdomain,
>   localhost,  beachcomberscompanion.net,      whoi.net,      
>   oceansites.org, interridge.org
> myhostname = obtest.whoi.edu 
($mydomain is at the default, which should be "whoi.edu")
> relay_domains = $mydomain,      oceanus.whoi.edu,      
>   atlantis.whoi.edu       knorr.whoi.edu, bosun.whoi.edu,
>   striker.whoi.edu,       striker2.whoi.edu,      sssg1.whoi.edu
> virtual_alias_domains = $virtual_alias_maps
> virtual_alias_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/virtual, ldap:vldap

These are all your address class definitions. We can't see into your 
virtual_alias_maps to know what domains might be listed there. You can 
show us "postmap -q sanguine.whoi.edu hash:/etc/postfix/virtual" and
"postmap -q sanguine.whoi.edu ldap:vldap".

BTW, I always use complete paths for lookups. I think "ldap:vldap" 
defaults to "ldap:$config_directory/vldap", but it never hurts to be 
specific, so you know what you're getting.

> May 11 12:25:34 obtest postfix/smtpd[4878]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT
> from web62403.mail.re1.yahoo.com[]: 554 5.7.1
> <e...@sanguine.whoi.edu>: Relay access denied;
> from=<ecunningham5...@yahoo.com> to=<e...@sanguine.whoi.edu>
> proto=SMTP helo=<web62403.mail.re1.yahoo.com>

So, sanguine.whoi.edu is apparently not in any of your address class 
definitions. It doesn't matter what's in transport_maps for this. And 
it's HIGHLY recommended that you do NOT use transport_maps as a 
dual-use lookup as an address class definition, because that could 
cause you to accept mail that's not yours.
    Offlist mail to this address is discarded unless
    "/dev/rob0" or "not-spam" is in Subject: header

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