On May 28, 2009, at 2:59 PM, Steve wrote:

Perhaps you can do the same to support your 1980's view of systems
administration? You need to get some help with that temper of yours.
It's the handrail of the crippled mind.

I lurk more than post here mostly as a facet of being in awe of the amount of knowledge already present, but can't resist. I currently manage a cluster of anti-spam gateways (on-site and off-site), an Exchange server, an Exchange front end server, a disaster recovery Exchange instance (serves our internal employees), a Zimbra cluster as well as an off-site Zimbra standby server (server our franchise employees), two mailing list servers to ensure that if either of two of my departments that send regular emails do something stupid, only they get blocked while I sort it out with the RBLs, a cluster of mail archiving servers, three Postfix servers that serve as internal gateways routing mail to my various other servers since our Barracuda spam appliances can't function as true gateways, and probably another server I can't even recall right now.

Sorry - should I have that all on one box?

Look, some of the replies here may be terse... but most of the help comes from a fairly modern base of expertise. If your organization is absurdly smaller than mine, perhaps one box works well for you. I certainly run multiple server services on one machine in my house, but then that serves two adults and an infant who likes to watch ripped Disney DVDs plus a small personal web site and some file sharing.

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