On Wed June 10 2009 17:50:34 Michael Glenney wrote:
> After this message I was starting to think you were just some guy
> who's screwing with me.  Then I took a second and googled your name
> :)  I guess I'm not coming across as genuine if you feel I'm
> deceiving you in some way.  I'll give this one more shot and then you
> can tell me to go away.

You're just not understanding the problem. "User unknown in virtual 
alias table" means that the DOMAIN (right-hand side after the "@") is 
in virtual_alias_domains, but the usern...@domain (full email address) 
is NOT found in virtual_alias_maps. This also occurs when the 
virtual_alias_maps lookup RESULT is an email address in 

You CANNOT virtually alias to a virtual alias. The result of a 
virtual_alias_maps lookup must be a real mailbox or email address 

A common misconception is that a bare username (with no @domain) is a 
Unix system account. That's the default, but it's not always true, 
depending on the value of myorigin.

> Can Postfix do this?:
> 1)  Postfix receives message addressed to anyn...@anydomain
> 2)  Postfix replaces anyn...@anydomain with my corporate e-mail
> address
> 3)  Postfix sends message to a relay 

Your problem seems to be that you cannot deliver to your corporate 
address, and the problem there seems to be that you have listed that 
domain as a virtual alias domain.

Wietse suggested that first, you try to send mail to this address 
without using the wildcard virtual_alias_maps. When you can do that 
successfully, you can implement the wildcard. Until then, there is no 
point in muddying the issue!

See the BASIC readme for assistance with the basic settings you need. 
Don't set anything that you don't understand. Don't try the 
virtual_alias_maps setting yet, until you have confirmed that you can 
send mail through your Postfix to the address you want to use for the 

> Thanks.  I appreciate you taking the time to help me out.
> MG
> This message is private and confidential. If you have received it in
> error, please notify the sender and remove it from your system.

Sigh ... these disclaimers are offensive, even more so when posted on 
public mailing lists.
    Offlist mail to this address is discarded unless
    "/dev/rob0" or "not-spam" is in Subject: header

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