> I use a backup MX service to accompany my Postfix mail server. Right now
> the Backup MX service has more than 1,200 messages waiting to be
> delivered. As near as I can tell (from the Postfix logs) all of them are
> addressed to addresses that either never existed or no longer exist. The
> Postfix log indicates it is bouncing them with a 450 (temporary bounce)
> instead of a 550. So the Backup MX service is keeping them and
> continually trying to re-send.
> I've checked the main.cf. The following two lines are as listed in the file:
> unknown_local_recipient_reject_code = 550
> soft_bounce = no
Please post the unedited output (except for passwords/private data) from
postconf -n, as well as log entries showing unknown recipients being bounced
with 450 and 550.


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