On Wed June 24 2009 18:21:19 Stuart Matthews wrote:
> I am the systems administrator for the Electronic Frontier
> Foundation. I have been having a problem with getting spam that has a

And I talked to you yesterday in IRC.

> from of, for example, t...@eff.org (which is a valid email address).
> I would like my mail server to not accept mail that says it is from
> @eff.org unless it is sent via an authenticated end user, or unless
> it is mail generated by the mail server itself. Essentially, in
> pseudo-code, what I want is:
> if ((from == *...@eff.org) and ((sending mail server != mail1.eff.org)
> or (sent using SMTP auth))) then REJECT
> I have already tried editing /usr/local/etc/postfix/access, adding:
> eff.org               REJECT  you can't send mail as me!
> And of course I ran postmap after this. I have also tried using the
> setting that rejects mail that says HELO eff.org.
> Neither worked.
> I should also point out that, at least for now, this is the ONLY type
> of mail that I want to explicitly block. At this time I am not able
> to do a spam assassin install or reject via black lists due to our
> current spam policy.
> Here is my postconf -n output:

I'm leaving in only the relevant settings below.

> smtpd_client_restrictions = permit_mynetworks  reject_unknown_client
> check_client_access hash:$config_directory/accesslist  permit

> smtpd_helo_restrictions = permit_mynetworks  check_helo_access
> hash:$config_directory/restrict_helo  check_helo_access
> hash:$config_directory/accesslist  reject_invalid_hostname  permit
> smtpd_recipient_restrictions = permit_mynetworks
> permit_sasl_authenticated  reject_non_fqdn_recipient
> reject_multi_recipient_bounce  reject_unknown_recipient_domain
> reject_unauth_destination  reject_unlisted_recipient 
> permit_mx_backup permit

> smtpd_sender_restrictions = permit_mynetworks  check_sender_access
> hash:$config_directory/accesslist  reject_non_fqdn_sender
> reject_unknown_sender_domain  reject_unlisted_sender
> hash:$config_directory/sender_access  permit

Many users (well, I am one of them) find it easier to consolidate all 
smtpd restrictions into a single stage. The logical choice for such 
consolidation would be smtpd_recipient_restrictions, because that's the 
only required stage.

Since you did not include logs with your post we can only guess, but 
best guess would be that you're not doing this in your two 
check_sender_access lookups. Either accesslist or sender_access should 
contain your blocking rule, and should be preceded by 
permit_sasl_authenticated, else you will block your own authenticating 

Multiple use of the same lookup can lead to undesired results. What is 
looked up for a check_sender_access differs from check_*_access (other 
access(5) lookups.) You should really understand access.5.html well.

You mentioned a /usr/local/etc/postfix/access file above, yet the 
postconf output has no evidence of such a file. Therefore, it is not 

If you need to followup, please include logs and relevant snippets from 
the map files.
    Offlist mail to this address is discarded unless
    "/dev/rob0" or "not-spam" is in Subject: header

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