* ram <r...@netcore.co.in>:

> For all outgoing mails, the mails are going through a PIX. 
> Will my outgoing performance be hit then 

Yes, if you have smtp_protocol_fixup on.
I recently "fixed" delivery problems on a large scale server by
simply turning that off.

Ralf Hildebrandt
  Geschäftsbereich IT | Abteilung Netzwerk
  Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
  Campus Benjamin Franklin
  Hindenburgdamm 30 | D-12203 Berlin
  Tel. +49 30 450 570 155 | Fax: +49 30 450 570 962
  ralf.hildebra...@charite.de | http://www.charite.de

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