On Wednesday 05 August 2009 15:18:46 Eduardo Júnior wrote:
> what's the difference between smtp and smtps?
> According to what I read in [1], the difference is just the port where
> the daemon smtp listen

In the context you are asking, both are names for ports as defined in
your services(5) file (or other port name-to-number translation as
configured to use by your OS-provided libraries.)

$ getent services smtp
smtp                  25/tcp mail
$ getent services smtps
smtps                 465/tcp

> In smtps, all the information pass encrypted? Using key and cert
> from tags tls in main.cf?

SMTPS is a deprecated protocol for submission which uses SMTP over an
SSL-secured connection. New sites should have no need for it, simply
tell your users to use submission (587/tcp) with TLS.

> Now I have smtp+tls.
> smtps == smtp+tls and different port?
> Any reference about that?


> [1] - http://www.postfix.org/SASL_README.html
    Offlist mail to this address is discarded unless
    "/dev/rob0" or "not-spam" is in Subject: header

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