On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 11:58:38AM -0400, Daniel L'Hommedieu wrote:

>>> <my-addr...@example.net>:
>>>   Sender address rejected: you cannot send on behalf of example.net
>> Delete the rule in your access tables that rejects mail from remote
>> systems with envelope sender addresses in your domain.
>> This is not default Postfix behaviour. You configured your Postfix to
>> reject such mail, now appears that you need to accept it.
> Indeed I did, Viktor.  The huge majority of the spam I get is "from me to 
> me" spam, and this was an attempt to avoid that spam.  It is proving to be 
> phenomenally successful - it is the single greatest spam limiter I have 
> ever seen, blocking nearly twice as much spam than the ZEN spamhaus list 
> that I implemented at the same time.
> I could remove the limitation as you suggest, but doing so would open me up 
> to hundreds of spams a day.  I could certainly email my wife at the local 
> address instead of the .mac address, and shall begin doing so, but is there 
> any other way?

Pick one:

    - You want to receive some external email with envelope sender
      addresses in your domain.

    - You do not want to receive any external email with envelope sender
      addresses in your domain.

If the former includes some spam, deploy a decent spam content filter,
use good RBLs, ...

This said don't send mail out that you already know will come back in,
use virtual_alias_maps to short-circuit appropriate external addresses
to internal mailboxes.


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