On Friday, August 28, 2009 at 05:01 CEST,
     eric sato <eric_s...@time.net.my> wrote:

> One of my user, set the auto forward email to te...@time.net.my 
> <mailto:te...@time.net.my> from "test.testag...@localdomain" via usermin.
> Got problem on the bounce back issue
>  Problem
> Remote mail server bounced back due to invalid full qualified address.
> I believe should be related with "test.testag...@localdomain". How do
> i solve it?

Why are you sending email with "localdomain" as the sender domain? Why
not just choose a proper sender address? Your log snippet doesn't show
how the message enters Postfix in the first place, so it's hard to give
any further advice.


Magnus Bäck

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