Please do not top-post your replies. Thank you.

On Wednesday 02 September 2009 17:03:20 Christopher Adams wrote:
> Thank you for your reply. I did find the bounce that indicates
> that the limit had been exceeded. I thought that the logs might
> also reflect that it had been blocked.

Only if it was actually blocked by your server, such as if the DATA
had been sent and was in excess of your limit. ESMTP is designed to
avoid this, as the ESMTP server tells the client its size limit in
response to EHLO.

What seems to have happened in your case is that the client
disconnected without attempting to send the message, which is the
proper thing to do.

> Another question - can the message that the sender receives be
> modified? 

If the connecting client was Postfix, and you control it, see the
bounce(5) man page. Of course you cannot modify bounces sent by
systems you do not control.

But in many cases you can customize the rejection seen by the
connecting client. See the SMTPD_ACCESS_README and access(5) for
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