On Friday 11 September 2009 20:43:47 mic...@casa.co.cu wrote:
> >> Turns out I use a webmail (horde) in my workplace but
> >> apparently has a bug, somehow are generating large numbers of
> >> messages to various servers on the internet, yahoo, aol,
> >> hotmail and others. to keep me look like an open relay server.

It's not just that you "look like" a spam source. You ARE a spam
source. Sounds like a very serious problem.

> >> Sep 11 03:01:43 serverlinux postfix/pickup[30772]: 902E78F327:
> >> uid=48 
> >
> > To block mail from the web daemon, use
> >
> > /etc/postfix/main.cf
> >    authorized_submit_users = !httpd, static:anyone
> >
> > Instead of httpd specify the user that has uid 48.

> Yes ,but that uid belong to apache , if i block then my users
> can't write messages truth horde webmail?

I strongly suggest that you stop the spam immediately, by any means
necessary. When you are listed as a spam source by major DNSBLs, your
users will find that although they can send mail, no one will get it.
One way or another, you cannot ignore this problem. The sooner you
stop outgoing spam, the more likely that you can repair the damage.
    Offlist mail to this address is discarded unless
    "/dev/rob0" or "not-spam" is in Subject: header

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