Manish Kathuria put forth on 10/10/2009 1:19 AM:

> That's a great tip. This would serve the purpose as far as the text
> messages go. However the mail administrator is more interested in having
> a look at the attachments being sent with the mail which would appear
> encoded in the queues. Is there any web interface to have a look at the
> messages in the queue and also issue the postsuper command ?

I must say, if there is such a low level of trust already of the user
base (employees?), then I'd say it's time to install hidden IP based
security cameras pointed at their screens, with high magnification.
Stream the feeds to a video server and review them nightly.  That, or
install legal business spyware on their PCs.

Your goals are very likely beyond the scope of Postfix.  I'd suggest
using bcc_maps to send copies of everyones' emails to an administrative
mailbox.  Then POP/IMAP that account, read the emails, and fire anyone
sending attachments they aren't supposed to.  Or, better, reprimand them
first with a warning.  Fire them on the 2nd offense.


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