On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 11:33:22AM -0500, Jim Rupprecht wrote:

> /postfix/etc/main.cf
> ...
> relay_domains = ku.edu abc.org def.com ghi.org mail.ku.edu jkl.ku.edu mno.org
>     pqr.ku.edu
> relay_recipient_maps = proxy:ldap:/postfix/etc/ldap_lookup.cf

Perfectly reasonable.

> and then /postfix/etc/ldap_lookup.cf looks like this...
> result_attribute = mail
> search_base = dc=home,dc=ku,dc=edu
> query_filter = (proxyAddresses=smtp:%s)

Looks good (if I wanted to pick on it, the best I could come up with is
that the parentheses are optional).

> and finally /postfix/etc/transport
> ku.edu                smtp:(exchange server)
> mail.ku.edu         smtp:(exchange server)
> kansan.com        smtp:(exchange server)
> kletc.org             smtp:(exchange server)
> kualumni.com     smtp:(exchange server)

Use smtp:[exchange.example.com], unless the latter is an MX RRset.

> Thoughts on this? Anyone have a better way to do this? At some point
> in time I will move from ldap lookups to a file

Standard configuration, by the book.

You don't need to stop using LDAP. LDAP is just fine. If query volume
is high enough, you could dedicate LDAP replicas for use by Postfix,
and not by other Windows AD consumers.


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