On 10/30/2009 6:57 PM, Robert Lopez wrote:
Postfix places no limit on how many maps you can use, but there is system
overhead with each map.  Rule of thumb is to combine maps wherever possible
-- don't use two check_sender_access statements if you can do it with one.
The smart way to do this is use a Makefile to build a single map from
multiple similar input files.

That is interesting. What is the advantage of that over directly
editing a single file?
I can see having unique names that pair with the parameters that cause
them to be read.
It is not clear to me what the benefit of multiple files is beyond
this association.

We do something similar with the virtualaliases table. There is a
table that has all
college employees who use an Exchange server, another that has all customers
(students) who use Sungard Luminis, and a third that has Mailman lists. So email
is delivered to one of those three systems based on that file. We
build that single file
from three separate files.

That's a good example of files that can be automated with a Makefile. Maintain the separate files for clear management separation, then just type "make" to build a single postfix file. General example here:

message_size_limit = 16777216
mydestination = $myhostname, $mydomain, localhost.localdomain,
cnm.edu, mail.cnm.edu, mg0x.cnm.edu, mg04.cnm.edu, mg05.cnm.edu,
nmvc.org, mail.nmvc.org, mg0x.nmvc.org,  mg04.nmvc.org, mg05.nmvc.org,
mg06.nmvc,  nmvirtualcollege.org, mail.nmvirtualcollege.org,
mg0x.nmvirtualcollege.org, mg04.nmvirtualcollege.org,
mg05.nmvirtualcollege.org, mg04.nmvirtualcollege.org,  nmln.net,
ideal-nm.org, ideal-nm.net,  idealnm.org, idealnm.net

Lots of domains in mydestination...  Are you sure these don't belong in
relay_domains instead?

No, I am not sure.

All email going students and employees are sent to either Sungard Luminis
servers or to Microsoft Exchange servers.

At the most basic definition, relay_domains are domains that are accepted by postfix and sent to the same address on another box for final delivery. Sounds as if these are all relay_domains. Valid recipients for relay_domains should be listed in relay_recipient_maps, but it sounds as if you list them in virtual_alias_maps.

Better to work with the system rather than against it.

relay_domains = $mydestination

relay_domains should be set explicitly, and generally should not include
$mydestination.  If there are no relay_domains, it should be set empty.

This may be another point where I am confused. I am thinking relay is when a
postfix server accepts email for u...@cnm.edu and then rewrites that address
to what is found in a table for the user where the email is then sent
to u...@other.domain.

Postfix would call those virtual_alias_domains -- domains that are accepted and rewritten to another domain for either local or remote delivery. Your domains are relay_domains.

smtpd_banner = cnm.edu

Should be "cnm.edu ESTMP", or better, just leave it at the default.

Is that "cnm.edu ESMTP" or default?

The ESTMP is required to signal other mail servers that your server accepts "enhanced" command syntax.

But there's usually no reason to change this setting from the default "$myhostname ESTMP $mail_name", so just remove the parameter from your main.cf. You can't hide the fact you're running postfix, so don't worry too much about the $mail_name in there.

smtpd_sender_restrictions = check_sender_access
hash:/etc/postfix/greylist      check_sender_access
hash:/etc/postfix/sender_access         permit_mynetworks

Seems like permit_mynetworks should come before greylist or other sender
access checks.

Seems like? :-)  This greylist program reads the tail of the mail log
and looks for
bursts of email in a short period of time. The program adds the bursting account
to the map which causes the email to be deferred.

OK, you're using that as a outgoing quota control. There are policy servers that do similar and more, particularly policyd.

  -- Noel Jones

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