On Thu, Nov 05, 2009 at 04:40:49PM -0500, Eric B. wrote:

> "Victor Duchovni" <victor.ducho...@morganstanley.com> wrote in message 
> news:20091105212519.gz27...@np305c2n2.ms.com...
> > On Thu, Nov 05, 2009 at 03:52:00PM -0500, Eric B. wrote:
> >
> >> I definitley have chroot set to Y in my master.cf file, and have done a
> >> postfix restart.  I do get a warning on restart that
> >
> > What row in the table has the chroot set to "y"?
> I had them all set to "y" except for local, virtual and proxymap.
> Am running postfix 2.3.3 on CentOS5.3 x64 if that makes any difference.
> Is there a way to enable more detailed logging?  I enabled more detailed 
> peer logging for the emails, but that only shows me more of the 
> communication to the remote smtp server.  I'm looking for more of the 
> Postfix logging (ie: where it is starting up, when/where it does its dns 
> queries, etc).  The debug_peer_list doesn't help at all in that regards.

The Postfix SMTP client does not explicitly read resolv.conf (call
res_init() or equivalent) before entering the chroot jail, but various
system libraries may well have that side-effect. In that case, the chroot
jail approach will not work.


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