Last week there was big news about a security hole in the TLS
protocol that allows a man-in-the-middle to prepend data to a
fully-secure TLS session.

That is, the server certificate verifies, and therefore no-one can
read or modify the network traffic. Or so we thought.

This hole was already known and a consortium of industry partners
was already working on solutions.  Meanwhile, a draft proposal has
been published for a TLS protocol change.

While looking at the possible impact for SMTP mail, I came up with
an attack that redirects and modifies SMTP mail that is sent over
a fully-secure TLS connection; Victor came up with an attack that
changes the first command in a TLS session.

You can find a preliminary analysis at:

It comes with a little tutorial on SMTP over TLS, and on TLS
renegotiation attacks.

The impact of all this should not be over-stated. Presently, most
SMTP clients don't verify the TLS certificates of SMTP servers.
Such clients are already vulnerable to ordinary man-in-the-middle
attacks, and TLS renegotiation introduces no new threats for them.

The Postfix SMTP server with OpenSSL is not affected by the TLS
renegotiation attack that redirects and modifies SMTP mail, due to
accidental details of the Postfix and OpenSSL implementations.
Other SMTP server implementations may be affected (my report
describes some of the requirements).  There may of course be other
attacks that I wasn't aware of when I wrote the analysis.

Most SMTP client implementations will not detect that a TLS
renegotiation attack has happened, including the Postfix SMTP
client.  Victor and I have looked into a number of workarounds
that can be implemented in the SMTP client, pending a bugfix in
the TLS protocol and in TLS implementations.  Some of these
workarounds may end up in Postfix.


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