On Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 1:54 AM, Martijn de Munnik <mart...@youngguns.nl>wrote:

> Hi,
> Of course I don't want this to happen again in the future. How do people
> test their mail server periodically? So far we use webmin which tries to
> connect to port 25, 110 and 143 and checks if the greeting is correct. If
> one of these connections fail we get a phone call. I can't check services
> which are only running on localhost because webmin is checking from a
> remote host.
> Thanks,
> Martijn


I use the open-source monitoring tool http://www.nagios.org/ combined with
NRPE to monitor all my servers and services.

Mike Saldivar
Direct Financial Solutions
Information Systems Manager
Desk: 435-774-8252
Cell: 435-881-3778

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