Well sir its our friend yahoo which is going to get me kicked off my job as
an administrator. I had an issue where a email sent to a yahoo email address
from My CEO didnt end up delivering. Ever since i have been wondering for
solutions. And this is something i could think of. Since when did spammers
start posting on legit forums?

Mike Ditka <http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/m/mike_ditka.html>  -
"If God had wanted man to play soccer, he wouldn't have given us arms."

On Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 23:14, Stan Hoeppner <s...@hardwarefreak.com> wrote:

> Wietse Venema put forth on 11/18/2009 9:25 AM:
> > Dhiraj Chatpar:
> >> Yes the DNS is a good idea..
> >>
> >> However what will i achieve if i implement the following?
> >
> > The solution is to have multiple MX records in the DNS.
> >
> > All standards-compliant MTAs will spread the load WITHOUT
> >
> >       Wietse
> That master.cf with all the sasl makes me think he's wanting to spread
> spam load out over 5 broadband smtp submission servers over 5 dsl lines
> or similar.  His resistance to using DNS, which is the proper (and easy)
> solution for a legit operation, and the fact that he's spreading the
> load of only one server across 5 also smells of a spammer.
> Are we assisting a spammer or a legit operation?  Dhiraj?  What's the
> skinny?
> --
> Stan

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